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IMAS Training

IMAS Training_

With decades of experience in military and commercial explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), Brimstone has paved the way in delivering unsurpassed unexploded ordnance (UXO) risk mitigation services across the UK and overseas. After receiving UK governmental assurance in 2021 for our service delivery, Brimstone will soon be offering Level 1 and 2 IMAS training.

IMAS Training

Level 1 IMAS Training

Basic EOD

A Level 1 EOD qualification enables the trained person to locate, expose and destroy specific items of explosive ordnance (EO) in situ, in a controlled environment such as technical survey and/or clearance site, single items of mines and specific explosive remnants of war (ERW) on which the holder has been recorded as trained. A Level 1 trained person is therefore only able to destroy specific items of EO, details of those items will be provided during the course.

Brimstone IMAS Level 1 Course:

  1. Introduction to Mine Action (MA) and Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA), HMA standards, Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA), and map reading.
  2. Explosive Theory.
  3. Explosive Ordnance (EO) Recognition.
  4. De-mining and Battle Area Clearance (BAC).
  5. Safe Storage and Handling of Explosives.
  6. Practical Lessons and Final Assessments.
IMAS Training

Level 2 IMAS Training

Intermediate EOD

In addition to the skills attained on the IMAS Level 1 course, a Level 2 qualification enables the holder to determine when it is safe to move and transport specific items of EO when authorised by an IMAS Level 3 (or higher) trained person1. A Level 2 qualification also enables the qualified individual to conduct the simultaneous disposal of multiple items of EO using ring mains or line mains. The Level 2 qualification only extends to the specific items of EO the individual has been recorded as trained on and the Level 2 holder, shall only conduct tasks in all environments subject to written approval from a Level 3 (or higher) EOD operator.

Brimstone IMAS Level 2 Course:

  1. Explosive Ordnance (EO) Recognition (Refresher).
  2. Mine Risk Education (MRE) and Community Liaison.
  3. Task Scene Management.
  4. Render Safe Options and Procedures.
  5. Demolitions and Use of Explosives.
  6. Practical Lessons and Final Assessments.

Course Instructors_

Course instructors will be former British Army advanced EOD operators. The course lead is a former British Army Major with both Conventional Munitions Disposal (CMD) and Improvised Explosive Device (IED) disposal experience, including EOD experience in the military and commercial sector.

All Level 1 and 2 IMAS training provided by Brimstone will meet the Test and Evaluation Protocol Competency Standards.

Bookings Opening Soon_

Bookings for both the Level 1 and Level 2 IMAS training courses will be opening soon. Please keep an eye on this page and our social media channels for further updates.

1 – Transport of EO is governed by the host nation with additional licensing potentially required – e.g., Section 5, Home Office, Firearms License within the UK

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