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UXO Watching Brief

UXO Watching Brief_

In construction and excavation projects, safety is paramount.

A UXO Watching Brief ensures continuous monitoring of ground intrusion activities by a qualified UXO engineer, safeguarding your project from the potentially dangerous consequences of an unexpected UXO encounter.

UXO Watching Brief

What is a UXO Watching Brief_

A UXO Watching Brief involves the continuous monitoring of ground intrusion activities by a qualified UXO engineer. They use visual techniques to establish the presence of UXO or items relating to military activity which may inform the possible presence of unexploded ordnance in the surrounding area.

By having a UXO engineer on site who can quickly identify if an item is dangerous or not, you can prevent costly delays from potentially disrupting your project. It also ensures that if the worst does happen and an item is found, it can be dealt with quickly, safely and efficiently.

This safety measure is suitable for a range of projects including excavation work, archaeology projects, reduced digs and trial pits. We find it is a popular UXO risk mitigation option for sites that are not suitable for UXO surveys.

UXO Watching Brief

Benefits of a UXO Watching Brief_

Implementing a UXO Watching Brief offers numerous advantages that significantly enhance the safety and efficiency of your project:

By having one of our experienced UXO engineers on site they can immediately identify any suspicious items and start the emergency evacuation procedure if required. On the other hand, if a suspicious item is found that turns out not to be UXO, your work can get back on track promptly. This prevents you from having to wait for police and army EOD units to attend your site to identify an object (something that can take days if they’re particularly busy!)

While there isn’t legislation in the UK outlining the steps you must take to check for UXO before construction work, there are legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 to ensure the safety of your employees.

There is also CIRIA C681, an industry guide for the management of risks associated with unexploded ordnance. The guidance is for construction professionals and focuses on WWI and WWII aerial bombardment, though it’s broadly applicable to other forms of UXO. The guidance is split into four sections: Preliminary UXO Risk Assessment, Detailed UXO Risk Assessment, Risk Mitigation and Implementation. We always recommend our clients follow the CIRIA C681 guidance, which enables you to reduce the risk of an unexpected UXO encounter.

Our UXO Watching Brief service uses a tried and tested methodology, which is flexible enough to promote rather than hinder your on-site excavations. We can be on site for as long as you need us, working closely with your ground staff and machine operators.

UXO Watching Brief

What happens if UXO is found_

If our UXO engineer identifies an item of UXO on site, they will immediately notify the site manager and ensure work is stopped. The area will be evacuated, and the engineer will call the police to notify them of the find.

While we have the licenses and capability to dispose of items of ordnance, we usually lean on the resources provided by the police and British military to keep costs as low as possible for our clients. However, if required, Brimstone can dispose of items found on site for clients.

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Order a UXO Watching Brief_

By booking a UXO Watching Brief with Brimstone, you benefit from expert supervision, swift response to potential threats, and compliance with industry safety guidelines.

Protect your team and project from unexpected delays and dangers.