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WW2 Unexploded Ordnance

UXO Training_

Utilising decades of experience in unexploded ordnance risk mitigation, Brimstone runs the UK’s first and only online awareness-level UXO course.

In the high-stakes world of construction, safety is paramount, and projects across the UK are not immune to the hidden danger of UXO. We’re committed to enhancing safety in the construction industry through our comprehensive UXO training course, designed to empower construction, development, environmental, and engineering professionals who are looking to upskill their knowledge of unexploded ordnance.

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UXO Training

UXO Awareness for the Construction Industry Course_

This online course consists of five modules of in-depth information and aims to teach candidates about UXO risks, why UXO might be present, and how to respond to a UXO incident.

Context of UXO and Bomb Disposal.

Regulations, Legislations and Guidance. 

Explosions and Energetic Materials.

Introduction to Explosive Ordnance.

UXO Risk Management Process.

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In the construction sector, quick and confident responses to unexpected situations are vital. Our course equips candidates with the expertise needed to respond effectively to UXO incidents. It offers clear guidelines on immediate actions, emphasising the importance of promptly notifying trained professionals. This newfound confidence can be a game-changer, ensuring both your team’s safety and the success of your project.

One standout feature of our UXO Awareness Course is its flexibility. We understand the demanding schedules of construction professionals, which is why our course is available on demand. This means your team can access the training at their convenience, minimising disruption to your project timelines. Whether it’s a seasoned worker or a new recruit, our course can be tailored to their learning pace and preferences.

Continuous learning and professional development are essential in any industry, and construction is no exception. Our UXO Awareness Course is approved by the International Institute of Risk & Safety Management and is certified by The CPD Certification Service.

Completing this course not only adds an important credential to your CV but also demonstrates a commitment to safety and excellence that is vital in the construction, engineering, and environmental sectors.

This certification meets the qualification for IIRSM’s framework. This qualification is not regulated by Ofqual or any other regulatory authorities.

CPD Certified
IIRSM Approved
UXO Training

Book one of our online training courses.

Visit the booking portal to reserve a place on our UXO Awareness for the Construction Industry course.