UXO Investigation_
Our UXO investigation services provide on-site support for projects with an identified UXO risk.
Often a follow-up activity to risk assessments or surveys, but sometimes a stand-alone service, our UXO engineers will monitor excavations, borehole and drilling projects, groundworks and site investigations to ensure the safety of all involved.

UXO Watching Brief_
A watching brief is an excavation supervised by one of our UXO engineers. Using a tried and tested methodology, flexible enough to promote rather than hinder your on-site excavations, we mitigate the likelihood of any unplanned UXO encounters. A watching brief satisfies your responsibility to mitigate for the risk of UXO where other methodologies are less suited to the particulars of your project.
Watching briefs support:
> Reduced digs
> Excavations
> Trial pits
> Archaeology
This UXO investigation method uses ground-sign and other visual techniques to establish the presence of UXO or items relating to military activity which may inform the possible local presence of unexploded ordnance.
Using technical equipment to search for sub-surface metallic (ferrous or non-ferrous) anomalies ahead of further mechanised excavations. These anomalies are then investigated by our UXO engineers.

UXO Search and Clear_
Our on-site UXO engineers will establish picketed areas encompassing the at-risk zones and systematically clear lanes using search equipment, marking, excavating and logging the targets as they present. This method is most effective on greenfield projects but can also be used to clear made ground depending on the degree of metal contamination.
Where borehole equipment can search only for metals containing iron, in a search and clear we can look for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including aluminium (detonators) and brass (fuzes).

UXO Borehole Support_
We are highly experienced in supporting geotechnical site investigations and other borehole and drilling projects. We can support the use of cable-percussive, rotary, window and windowless samplers and other drilling methods, by progressively clearing the position as the borehole deepens, making sure that all operatives are kept safe from UXO throughout the process.
Our on-site UXO engineer will assess the local ground conditions as the drilling progresses to calculate the theoretical maximum bomb penetration depth. At intervals of 1-2m, beginning from the surface, we test the hole for magnetic signatures by lowering a magnetometer probe on a cable extension to the bottom of the borehole, up to a maximum depth of 30m.

UXO Safety Awareness Brief_
Included in our usual on-site services, we also offer UXO safety awareness briefings as a stand alone service. Briefings cover general risks and hazards, basic UXO identification, and action to take in the event of a UXO encounter.
A detailed risk assessment, whilst broad and deep in their remit, can never entirely rule out the risk of finding UXO on specific sites. We’ve found that clients with low to low-moderate risk sites want to mitigate for UXO whilst keeping practicability in mind.
We offer site specific training packages, which are an extended version of our safety briefs, focusing on the context of your specific site. These last for approximately two hours and cover explosive munitions principles, sources of contamination, basic UXO identification, safety measures and specific historical information on your site obtained from primary and secondary research.

Rapid On-Call_
We place emergency response UXO engineers on standby by prior arrangement. We can attend any site in London, the South East and East Anglia within 1-2 hours, and the rest of the UK by consultation.
We encourage all our clients to assume that any suspicious objects found on projects should be treated as UXO unless positively identified as something safe. Our expert engineers can readily identify any suspicious items and assess their associated hazards. Inert or practice ordnance are frequently found, and as such our UXO engineers can readily get your site operational again.
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